
Painting in the Whirl of Argentine Tango

The painter Arvydas Baltrūnas is the member of the Lithuanian Artists’ Association since 1992, founder of Group “E” and member from 1994, known in Lithuania and beyond it. He was born in 1957 in Vilnius, in 1987 graduated from Vilnius Academy of Arts in painting and today lives in Vilnius. Arvydas Baltrūnas delivers lectures in drawing and painting at the National M.K.Čiurlionis Art School, actively and originally expresses in creation. The painter has arranged over 20 personal exhibitions in Lithuania, Denmark and Finland. His works (over 50) represented Lithuania in the international painting exhobitions in Austria, Belarus, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Russia, Sweden and Ukraine.

     The painter Arvydas Baltrūnas speaks about his creative works, “I change themes and style. Painting in one style is boring you start repeating. Each paintings demand accuracy, coloristic ear and sense of composition. After studies, silver colors, which I used to convey biblical themes dominated in my paintings. Later, I started painting the history of Christ’s suffering with bright and full of tension colors. I like the expression of the moment and the stroke. This is why I enjoy painting nature sketches in summer, which is the time when nature abounds in movement: sun, clouds, shadows, wind, of colors and tints. That encourages to “catch” the changing mood under which influence I can create the colorful abstraction on semi-abstraction of the landscape.

”My paintings today are probably more interesting by the subject and the original theme – Argentine tango. It came to my work not by accident. Once I became shot of interesting spiritual communication. I searched for something new, never dreamed and never tried. This is how I indulged in the new hobby – I dance Argentine tango for seven years. Today, I teach others to dance. I liked this dance, its rhythm and mood, which is partially created by the music however much depends upon a person you dance with. Improvisation dominates in the Argentine tango. Tree years ago I began thinking how to express a dance in painting. These works is a new and interesting experience of mine. This summer, one of my newest works will be showed at the prestigious contemporary art exhibitions at Venice Biennale”.

 Business and Exhibitions. 2011-3 (126)